Career - Diplomas & Certificates

Due to the in-depth and technical nature of the biosciences, diplomas & certificates alone permit limited career opportunities in the biosciences. Common job outcomes for scientific laboratory associated diplomas & certificates, may include laboratory assistant or laboratory technician positions. For more advanced positions a Bachelor degree is usually considered as the minimum requirement. Diplomas & certificates offer the greatest benefit when presented on a resume along with a Bachelor degree. Diplomas & certificates provide a cost effective and time efficient means of enhancing your existing qualifications. Consider the following examples:
If you completed your degree a decade or so ago and have been out of the bioscience workforce for many years but are planning a return, a fresh certificate may be the perfect way to make you look up-to-date at your next job interview.
In a sea of candidates with Bachelor degrees, having a diploma on top of your degree, maybe a Bachelor of Applied Science with a Diploma in Biotechnology, may be just what is needed to make you stand out.
Chasing a job as a sales rep for a large scientific equipment manufacturer? Already got a degree in marketing? Combining that with a scientific diploma may be the key to your success.
Desiring a change from lab work? Adding a diploma of eduction to your science degree may be all that is required to transition into teaching.