Career - Bioinformatics / Bioinformatician

Bioinformatics (performed by a Bioinformatician) involves the large-scale compiling of biological information into computerised databases and the use of mathematical and statistical algorithms to selectively retrieve and analyse components of the data on demand. Biological information may include genome sequences (genomics), gene expression data, protein sequences, protein networks, or any other biochemicals (such as small plant derived molecules for drug testing). Given the vast amount of genes, proteins and other biological molecules just associated with human biology, bioinformatics is considered the future for biological research. As an interdisciplinary field those with combined qualifications in biological science, computer science, statistics and mathematics will have the best career prospects for this rapidly advancing field. Some universities offer pre-designed bioinformatics study programs. Other means of acquiring combined qualifications may include Bachelor degrees with double majors, double degrees and Bachelor degree - diploma combinations. Higher degrees including Honours, Masters and PhD are also good pathways for enhancing ones career prospects in this ever emerging field.
See Bioinformatics outsourcing & consulting for a list of bioinformatics service providers. You can visit their websites to see the type of work they do.