Career - Biotechnology

Biotechnology involves the use of micro-organisms to produce products. For human use such products may include antibiotics, hormones, vitamins, enzymes and a range of other pharmaceutical products. Biotechnology degrees often include the core subjects of microbiology, biochemistry, cell biology and molecular biology. The biotechnology industry is expected to grow significantly in the future with the continuous emergence of new technologies. Protein biology is one of the fastest growing areas of the biotechnology industry with enormous potential for commercial applications. It would be wise to include advanced subjects in protein biology within any flexible biotechnology study program. Universities often design biotechnology degrees in consultation with the biotechnology industry. In this respect, choosing a biotechnology degree from a reputable university should ensure the program includes the most up-to-date knowledge and advanced techniques. Given the commercial nature of the biotechnology industry any studies involving double majors, double degrees, or Bachelor degree - diploma combinations, that bring together the scientific aspects of biotechnology with qualification in business, marketing or management will greatly enhance ones career opportunities. Individuals with higher degrees (Honours, Masters, PhD) usually obtain high level positions in industry, often migrating to industry once skills and experience acquired in academia can be translated into commercial applications.