Laboratory automation ... saving money & time

Laboratory automation involves using a mechanical / electrical / computerised device or instrument to control a process reducing human intervention. The use of automation not only saves the cost of human labour, but in many cases is able to complete tasks at a more efficient rate. Furthermore, human error can be eliminated, and greater consistency from sample to sample or batch to batch can be achieved. There is also an added safety benefit in the event that the process involves the use of sharp objects, hazardous chemicals, infectious substances or excessive heat etc. Automation is highly used in analytical and diagnostic laboratories. As technology rapidly advances, automation is increasing being used in research and development laboratories with an ever expanding array of benchtop solutions. Competition from automated solutions manufacturers and large scale production of devices / instruments due to growing demand is continuing to drive prices down making automated solutions more affordable. In the future laboratory automation will be everywhere. Those failing to adopt automated solutions may be significantly disadvantaged, potentially being unable to compete. When considering automated solutions, the best options are those that allow quick, flexible or stand-alone installation, low maintenance, and are easy to learn / use.
Below are examples of affordable small & medium scale automated laboratory solutions with proven efficiency:
- cell counters
- liquid handling / pipetting stations
- DNA, RNA, protein extraction
- slide staining
- cover-slipping glass slides
- automated incubators (auto humidifier, steriliser & plate placement / retrieval)
- live cell imaging
The gel-free, blot-free automated Western has arrived