Biobanks - finding samples for quality research

Variation exists between individuals in their baseline characteristics, in their response to disease and their response to treatment. In this respect, for any study, the larger the sample size the more reliable the results will likely be. For smaller pilot studies it is very important to select the most relevant samples of the highest quality. When sourcing samples it is very easy for researchers to settle for the closest or most convenient options. However, to achieve the objectives mentioned above, researchers may need to obtain samples not only from multiple sources, but from sources in countries afar. Regardless of the sample / specimen type required (cells, blood, purified DNA, tissue or more) there are many online compilations providing extensive global biobank and bio-resource lists for researchers to browse. However, for those still finding this a daunting task, aims to facilitate the right connection between researcher and biobank.
Researchers use SpecimenCentral to make specimen requests (for free) whilst biobanks in turn may then check specimen requests. The incentive for biobanks is that it helps them determine what specimen types are in demand and also helps them maintain a revenue stream. SpecimenCentral offers this as a free service to academic organizations, whilst commercial organizations are suggested to make a donation to help cover SpecimenCentral's operating costs.
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Also see Tissue Solutions
For tissue, cells, DNA or blood see BioscienceCentral's biobanks & bio-resources list