Bioscience Review - contribute

The Bioscience Review covers a broad range of topics .... almost any topic that assists in advancing the human biosciences. Please note that contributions to the Bioscience Review are voluntary. Whether contributing as an individual or an organisation you can choose to be acknowledged on the BioscienceCentral website as a contributing author or you can remain anonymous. If you choose to be acknowledged you may include any of the following to be listed below the review article: your personal name, company or entity name and website address. To contribute to the Bioscience Review, the first step is to apply using the form below. This includes providing a brief description of your proposed contribution. If successful you will then be asked to provide the following three things for which BioscienceCentral will use to write the final review article:
150 - 400 words describing the advancement, new concept or new technology, including advantages and benefits over alternatives if applicable. BioscienceCentral will use this information you have provided as well as information from other sources to write the final review article.
Website link for readers to find more information. This can be any website you like including your own.
1 - 3 still images* in jpeg format for BioscienceCentral to consider as options for use in the slider on the Bioscience Review homepage and for use in the body of the review article. The slider dimensions are 630 pixels wide with a height of 320 pixels. Image size is flexible for the body of the review article. Images with a width of 630 pixels will fit neatly across the full width of the review article. Please note, BioscienceCentral may resize or crop images if required. For any image you provide, you must also provide the name of the image author, photographer or copyright owner so this name can be displayed / acknowledged with the image if posted on the BioscienceCentral website.
*When you submit images to BioscienceCentral you warrant that you have all of the necessary rights / permissions, including copyright, and that the image content is not dishonest or infringing on any law. You indemnify BioscienceCentral against any / all legal fees, damages and other expenses that may be incurred by BioscienceCentral as a result of a breach of this warranty. If you are unable to meet these warranty terms, rather than contributing to the Bioscience Review, you may prefer to suggest a topic.