Western blotting – gels

It may be ideal for students to learn how to pour Western blotting gels, however, for high paid laboratory staff, the quicker option of pre-cast commercial gels may be cheaper.
For a demonstration on how to pour a SDS-PAGE gel, you can search youtube by entering the following: pouring sds-page gels
For pre-cast gels, international suppliers include:
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Bio-Rad Laboratories
Note: Make sure you have the matching equipment before purchasing any pre-cast gels.
Tips for loading and running protein gels
1. Consider how you would like to present your results when choosing which sample to load in each well.
2. Take note on paper of what particular sample has been loaded into each well.
3. Use a protein ladder to compare against the position of your protein of interest. For options to consider see Bio-Rad Laboratories and Thermo Fisher Scientific