Used laboratory equipment & instruments

Save money buying or make money selling used laboratory equipment. Companies supplying used lab equipment & instruments are listed below. Most companies do business internationally.
- used equipment / instruments
- sell to Akribis Scientific
- laboratory clearance service
Office location: United Kingdom
- buy equipment on Lab Merchant
- auctions
- advertise your equipment on Lab Merchant
Office location: United Kingdom
- reconditioned laboratory equipment
- demonstrators
- sell to Labequip
- repair service
- rentals
Office location: Canada
- buy from Labexchange
- sell to Labexchange
- laboratory dismantle, storage & re-installation
- laboratory equipment hire
Office location: Germany
- buy from MedLab Instruments
- sell to MedLab Instruments
Office locations: Australia, New Zealand, United Arab Emirates
- buy from Techtrader
- sell to Techtrader
- exchange used lab equipment
- rent lab equipment
- used laboratory equipment servicing
- instrument appraisals
- training & installation
Office location: Australia
Seeding Labs donates laboratory equipment / instruments to scientists in developing countries.